Each year, the CPMEA offers our membership the opportunity to connect and engage with fellow CPMs across our campuses to help enhance their professional networks, all while receiving the benefits of learning programming and skills development opportunities through several lunch & learn sessions, Membership Breakfast and Annual General Meeting.
The CPMEA in coordination with the Vice-President Finance & Administration and Learning & Organizational Development would like to invite you to attend next week’s joint information session on The Employee Engagement Survey – CPM 2012 results and the York University Pension Plan. We understand this is a busy time for everyone, but you are strongly encouraged to attend as there will be important information shared and an opportunity for questions. Questions can be sent in advance to cpmea@yorku.ca. This session is open to all CPM employees of York University.
1:00 p.m. Andrea Thompson, Organizational Development Specialist, will highlight the CPM survey results stemming from the York University Employee Engagement 2012 Survey.
2:00 p.m. Gary Brewer, Vice-President Finance & Administration, will present the changes to York University’s Pension Plan and the impact these changes will have on all CPM employees.
Presenter: Catherine Davidson, Associate University Librarian, Collections and Research
Bring your lunch and join your colleagues to learn about York’s e-Resources.
Preparing a presentation or report and need some relevant information but don't know where to look? York U Libraries can help! This Lunch & Learn will provide you with information about how to effectively navigate your way through York's electronic resources available at your fingertips.
Catherine will also provide highlights of key library initiatives such as YorkSpace, how York manages scholarly communications, and the second annual Undergraduate Research Fair coming up in February.
Please register for the workshop. Light refreshments will be provided for registered participants.
More sessions to come in Winter 2014 – stay tuned.
Connect with us at CPMEA@yorku.ca or visit the CPMEA website.
Presenter: Chad Craig, Manager, Advancement Communications
Changing the conversation between you and your clients and stakeholders is up to you. A small investment in communicating more effectively can bring enormous returns.
PositiveSpeak is a practical method of communication, making particular word, phrase, and body language choices, to convey a message clearly and convincingly. It’s also a method of learning to communicate positively, of saying no without saying no.
It is the art of convincing others that they want what you offer. Even better, it is the art of convincing them that they already wanted it and just had yet to realize it.
PositiveSpeak enables you to rewire your own thinking. Focusing on the positive and possible leads to a better workplace, more satisfied staff and clients, and stronger results for your efforts.
In contrast with many public speaking methods and customer service training programs, PositiveSpeak, while designed to improve front-line client service, is also designed for normal daily life. It is a method for use in public speaking, public and media relations, marketing, client service, and community outreach. It is also, however, a way to win debates, gain buy-in from staff and managers, recruit new volunteers, improve morale, calm disagreements and build positivity.
Maya Angelou may have said it best when she wrote, “I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
If you're looking to significantly improve your department's relationship with your clients, your stakeholders and your community, PositiveSpeak will help you make that change.
Bring your lunch and join your colleagues and learn about PositiveSpeak! This Lunch & Learn promises to be interactive and engaging. Pen and paper will be provided.
Please register for this workshop. Light refreshments will be provided for registered participants.
Connect with us at CPMEA@yorku.ca or visit the CPMEA website.
Josephine Tcheng, Advisor, Education & Communication, Centre for Human Rights
Jodie Glean, Advisor, Education & Communication, Centre for Human Rights
Respect means that we acknowledge and value differing perspectives. A respectful environment contributes to creativity, innovation in problem-solving and promotes a workplace of engagement. Yet, creating and maintaining a respectful and inclusive environment presents its challenges. This interactive workshop will provide a clearer understanding of the concepts of inclusion, differences, respect, power and privilege, prejudice, discrimination and harassment. It will also share tools and techniques for fostering a respectful and inclusive environment.
Guided by the Centre for Human Rights at York University, this lunch and learn will be an opportunity to foster dialogue among colleagues and peers regarding challenges faced in the workplace as well as opportunities and solutions others have found helpful.
We also encourage taking the online Respect, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (REDI) Tutorial if you have not already had the chance.
Bring your lunch and join your colleagues and learn about respect and inclusion in the workplace!
Please register for the workshop. Light refreshments will be provided for registered participants.
Connect with us at CPMEA@yorku.ca or visit the CPMEA website.