Constitution and By-Laws



Approved by the Membership at the Annual General Meeting held on May 25, 2015.



The name of this Association is "Confidential, Professional and Managerial Employee Association of York University” (hereafter called the CPMEA).


The CPMEA promotes the interests of administrators who perform professional or managerial functions at the University. As administrators, members of the CPMEA play an integral role in the effective functioning of the University and the achievement of its goals.

The purposes of the CPMEA are:

    1. To have a common voice for members on any subject of concern;
    2. To collectively promote the interests of the members;
    3. To foster and facilitate cooperative and productive employment relations with the University; and
    4. To promote communication between the University and members, between groups outside the university and members, and among members, in order to facilitate the free exchange of ideas for the common good.

Confidential, professional and managerial employees have legally enforceable individual contracts of employment. The University consults with the CPMEA on policy decisions with respect to compensation, hiring policies, terms and conditions of employments, the working environment, and related matters affecting the membership.


The CPMEA supports all Confidential, Professional and Managerial employees of York University, Toronto, Ontario.





In this Bylaw, unless the context otherwise requires:

CPM means an employee classification of York University.

CPMEA means Confidential, Professional and Managerial Employee Association.

Fiscal Year means May 1 to April 30.

Ordinary Resolution means a motion passed by members at a general meeting by a simple majority (50% + 1) of the votes cast in person.

Special Resolution means a motion passed by a majority of not less than two thirds (67%) of those members who vote in person at a meeting:

    1. With notice (as the Bylaw provides) of not less than 14 calendar days, including the text of the motion being proposed; or
    2. With notice of less than 14 calendar days only if the requirement of notice is waived by means of 10% of voting members' agreement in the form of their signatures to a document of waiver.

Voting Quorum means the submission of votes by 25% or greater of the members present.

University means York University.

Year means June 1 to May 31 and annual refers to such year.


2.1.   Membership shall be open to all CPM employees of York University, including provisional and contract.

2.2.   The rights to vote, to hold office and to serve on committees shall be restricted to members of the CPMEA.

2.3.   A person shall cease to be a member if:

2.3.1. His or her employment with the University is terminated; or

2.3.2. He or she obtains employment with the University in a position other than those described as eligible in Bylaw No. 1 herein.


3.1.   The Executive shall consist of a President, a Vice-President, an Executive Coordinator, a Financial Officer, a Vice-President, Strategy and Communication and the Past-President.

3.2.   All executive positions shall be for 2 years, with alternating terms (President and Vice-President in one year, Executive Coordinator, Financial Officer and Vice-President, Strategy and Communication in alternate year); a position may be held for a maximum of two consecutive terms.

3.3.   The Executive shall:

3.3.1. Be responsible for directing the activities of the CPMEA subject to the provisions of the Constitution and Bylaws and following policies agreed to by the membership;

3.3.2. Report to the CPMEA regularly, and as circumstances warrant;

3.3.3. Have the powers of the CPMEA between meetings, including interim committee appointments;

3.3.4. Hold in confidence any information relating to employee performance, salaries, complaints, and any other such matters deemed relevant by the executive, and shall discuss these matters only in closed sessions with the minutes available only to executive members. The minutes of closed sessions shall identify the substance of the points raised, without naming the speakers;

3.3.5. Appoint new executive member(s) from amongst the membership if a vacancy should arise between Annual General Meetings;

3.3.6. Be available to rule on any questions of conflict of interest and to possibly determine the best means to manage any conflict of interest; and

3.3.7. Hold regular meetings to discuss matters with the chairs of the standing committees in attendance.

3.4.   Any member of the Executive who ceases to be eligible for membership in the CPMEA will automatically lose the right to hold office.

3.5.   The duties of the Executive shall be as follows:

3.5.1. The President shall:

  • Call and preside at all meetings of the CPMEA and of the Executive;
  • Facilitate communication between the University senior administration and the CPMEA;
  • Co-chair joint meetings with University senior administration; and
  • Be a steward of the Constitution, Bylaws and all documents pertaining to the
    CPMEA, ensuring that the Constitution and Bylaws are kept current through regular review every 5th year (years ending in "0" or "5").
  • Maintain oversight of the CPMEA Budget
  • Representing the CPMEA Executive at new staff orientation sessions
  • Fill and support vacant executive positions as required
  • Onboard new executive members as required
  • Act as the CPMEA liaison with other institutional employee groups, external organizations and other post-secondary institutional employee groups
  • Contact members of the CPMEA who may be willing to serve as members of the Executive or Standing Committees, or as CPMEA representatives on University committees, and secure their agreement to run
  • Time Commitment – Monthly: 7 hours in addition to attending CPMEA Executive meetings (additional time is required during key times throughout the year e.g. AGM)

3.5.2. The Vice-President Volunteer and Stakeholder Relations shall:

  • Have the powers and perform the duties of the President in the absence or incapacity of the President, or in the event of vacancy in the office of the President;
  • Act as a liaison with and report to the Executive concerning the standing committees and serve as ex-officio member of the Employment Policy Advisory Committee;
  • Meet twice annually with institutional committee volunteers (June and February)and report findings and progress back to the Executive
  • Representing the CPMEA Executive at new staff orientation sessions;
  • Onboard new committee volunteers (institutional)
  • Time Commitment – Monthly: 5 hours in addition to attending CPMEA Executive meetings (additional time is required during key times throughout the year e.g. AGM)

3.5.3. The Executive Coordinator shall be responsible for:

    • Information and records management for CPMEA Executive and standing committees;
    • Issuing, or cause to be issued, notices required by this bylaw;
    • Portfolio research at the request of the Executive;
    • Chair the Member Relations & Programming Standing Committee
    • Representing the CPMEA Executive at new staff orientation sessions;
    • Minute preparation at all CPMEA Executive meetings, or as directed by the Executive;
    • Administrator support for Committee Sites;
    • Performing such duties as may be assigned from time to time by the President or Executive;
    • Time commitment – Monthly: 1 hour in addition to attending CPMEA Executive meetings (additional time is required during key times throughout the year e.g. AGM)

3.5.4. The Financial Officer shall be responsible for:

    • Managing and administering the CPMEA Budget;
    • Developing Financial Standard Operating Procedures;
    • Keep, or cause to be kept; a proper record of the financial operations of the CPMEA (monthly cost centre reconciliation);
    • After the close of each fiscal year, but prior to the Annual General Meeting, prepare and present to the Executive year end financial statements and a budget for the current fiscal year;
    • Presenting the statements and budget, as approved by the Executive for acceptance or rejection at the Annual General Meeting;
    • Developing long range financial models, financial planning and forecasting;
    • Representing the CPMEA Executive a new staff orientation sessions;
    • Performing such duties as may be assigned from time to time by the President or Executive; and
    • Time Commitment – Monthly: 1 hour in addition to attending CPMEA Executive meetings (additional time is required during key times throughout the year e.g. AGM)

3.5.5. The Vice-President Strategy and Communication shall be responsible for:

    • Technical and operational management of the CPMEA website;
    • Managing yu link sites for three standing committees (Programs, Membership/Nominating, Employment Policy Advisory);
    • Developing, implementing and executing the overall CPMEA communication and content strategy;
    • Managing the central CPMEA email account and mach form;
    • Developing and implementing key messaging for presentations, onboarding sessions and the AGM;
    • Developing and maintaining CPMEA Communication Standard Operating Procedures;
    • Analytics and metrics reporting;
    • Disseminating information on policies, benefits, etc. relating to the CPMEA;
    • Supporting the initiatives of the other CPMEA committees as required;
    • Performing such duties as may be assigned from time to time by the President or Executive;
    • Time Commitment – Monthly: 5hours in addition to attending CPMEA Executive Meetings (additional time is required during key times throughout the year e.g. AGM)

3.5.6. The Past-President shall:

  • Provide advice and guidance to the newly elected President or Vice-Presidents at the request of the CPMEA Executive
  • Shall remain an ex-officio member of the Executive for six months following leave of office

3.6.   The following provisions shall govern the operations of the Executive:

3.6.1. The Executive shall meet regularly but no less than quarterly;

3.6.2. A meeting of the Executive may be held at any time at the call of the President or upon the request of any two members of the Executive, made in writing to the Executive Coordinator;

3.6.3. Three members of the Executive constitute a meeting quorum;

3.6.4. Each member of the Executive, except the President, has one vote;

3.6.5. If the votes of the Executive are equally divided, the President has the deciding vote;

3.6.6. A decision or resolution of the majority of the Executive present and constituting a quorum is a decision or resolution of the Executive, except where otherwise provided;

3.6.7. Signing officers shall be any two of the President, Vice-President or Financial Officer.

3.7.   A member of the Executive may be removed from office by Special Resolution and another member may be elected or, by Ordinary Resolution, appointed to serve during the balance of the term.

3.8.   Meetings shall be held throughout the year, including the Annual General Meeting in May of each year, and no less than one general meeting of the members. A Special meeting may be called by the Executive by giving 14 calendar days notice or by any member provided that it is supported by a petition to the President including the signatures of no less than 10% of the CPMEA membership.

3.9.   The Executive and the Chair of the Employment Policy Advisory Committee shall meet with two members of the Senior Administration (one of whom shall be the Vice-President, Finance and Administration) a minimum of once annually. Additional meetings, if required, can be requested by the Executive and by the Senior Administration. Meetings with the Senior Administration are for the purposes of:

3.9.1. Discussing issues within the University which may affect members of the CPMEA;

3.9.2. Discussing terms and conditions of employment of CPMEA members; and

3.9.3. Presenting committee findings and proposals.


4.1.   The Executive may establish ad hoc committees from time to time, as necessary or by Ordinary Resolution, the CPMEA may establish ad hoc committees from time to time, as necessary;

4.2.   A position on a standing committee may be held for a maximum of two consecutive terms, unless there are no other members willing to sit.

4.3.   Standing committee membership is decided by a voting process at the Annual General Meeting of the CPMEA.

4.4 The chair (or co-chairs) of the Employment Policy Advisory Committee shall be elected at their first meeting and shall be reported to the Executive no later than August.

4.4.1 The chair of the Member Relations & Programming committee shall be the Executive Coordinator.

4.5.   In the event of a tied vote within a standing committee, the chair (or co-chairs) shall have the deciding vote.

4.6.   The chair (or co-chairs) shall attend the regular meetings of the Executive and chairs (or co-chairs).

4.7.   The chair (or co-chairs) of each committee shall submit to the Vice-President Volunteer and Stakeholder Relations, before the Annual General Meeting, a report of activities of the committee for the period ending May 31 each year, and from time to time at the request of the Executive. Committee reports shall be made available to the membership via the website.

4.8.   In the event of default of duties of any standing committee, the Executive may deliberate and assume the duties and responsibilities of the standing committee. In the event of default of duties of any standing committee member, the Executive has the power for interim appointments.

4.9.   The Standing Committees shall be as follows:

4.9.1. Member Relations & Programming Committee (5 members for 2-year terms, alternating, with one member being the Executive Coordinator), which shall:

  • Plan and organize professional development and networking events for the CPMEA membership (3-5 annually);
  • Contact individuals newly appointed to University designated CPM positions to provide information on the CPMEA and assist with their orientation to the University
  • Provide logistical planning and execution of the Annual General Meeting and Annual Membership Breakfast
  • Be chaired by the Executive Coordinator
  • Support the Executive in the development and dissemination of membership surveys
  • Manage the content for the ‘Information for new CPMs’ section of the CPMEA website;
  • Represent the Member Relations & Programming Committee at new staff orientation sessions;
  • Support the initiatives of the Employment Policy Advisory Committee as required;
  • Time commitment: 1 hour per month in monthly committee meetings

4.9.2. Employment Policy Advisory Committee (4 members for 2-year terms, alternating), which shall:

  • Review and make recommendations to the Executive on employment policies;
  • Recommend to the Executive, research initiatives and procedures regarding employment policy standards at other universities or similar institutional models;
  • ct as a resource for CPM members to share employment-related questions and concerns; and
  • Support the initiatives of the other CPMEA committees as required.


5.1.   The following provisions shall govern elections of the Executive and members of the standing committees:

5.1.1. Nominations shall be accepted in advance of the Annual General Meeting by the Membership/Nominating Committee by email;

5.1.2. Nominations shall be accepted from the floor during the election procedure of the Annual General Meeting;

5.1.3. Nominations shall be accepted provided each candidate is nominated and seconded by a CPMEA member;

5.1.4. Nominees must attend the AGM as the meeting has been planned at either virtual or hybrid;

       5.1.5. All nominees shall be invited to introduce themselves and given the opportunity to provide brief remarks;

5.1.6. Voting in elections shall be by secret ballot; either paper or electronic;

5.1.7. The candidates receiving the highest vote totals shall be declared elected;

5.1.8. Elections shall be held for all offices at the Annual General Meeting in May. Those elected shall take office on June 1; and

5.1.9. Elections to fill vacated positions shall be held as required or appointed by the Executive on an interim basis until the next Annual General Meeting.


6.1.   CPMEA representatives on University committees/councils shall be appointed by the Executive as the opportunity arises.

6.2.   Representatives shall serve on committees/councils for as long as they are able or until the committee/council is disbanded but no longer than five years.

6.3.   Representatives shall exercise their powers and duties on University committees/councils only in accordance with the direction of the Executive and in so doing shall:

6.3.1. Consult with the Executive before meetings of University committees/councils so that the Executive's direction may be sought for the items set out in the agenda of said meetings; and

6.3.2. Refrain from exercising their powers and duties at meetings of University committees/councils on matters for which they have not received direction from the Executive, until such time as said direction has been received.

6.4.   Representatives shall:

6.4.1. Speak for the CPMEA Executive at meetings of University committees/councils;

6.4.2. Cast votes for the CPMEA at such meetings; and

6.4.3. Report to the CPMEA Executive as required.

6.5   A list of all University committees/councils and their CPMEA representatives shall be maintained and posted on the website.


7.1.   For the purposes of this document, Conflict of Interest is best described as a convergence of a CPMEA member's career interests with his or her volunteer committee interests, such that an independent observer might reasonably question whether the CPMEA member's volunteer committee actions or decisions are improperly influenced by considerations of personal career gain or loss. These interests most often relate but are not restricted to: advancement; income; position; and prestige held by the individual, but could also be manifest as feelings of intimidation due to a career conflict, resulting in the inability to act freely in the voluntary committee capacity.

7.2.   In the event of a possible conflict of interest the general procedure is:

7.2.1. The member will disclose the potential conflict to the Executive;

7.2.2. The member will manage the conflict through transparency; or

7.2.3. The member shall withdraw from the relevant standing committee or University committee/council.

7.3.   If the member is a chair/co-chair of a committee or is part of the Executive:

7.3.1. The member shall withdraw from the relevant committee; or

7.3.2. The member shall withdraw from the Executive.


8.1.   The adoption, amendment or repeal of the Constitution and Bylaws may be proposed by the Executive or 10% of CPMEA members.

8.2.   The adoption, amendment or repeal of the Constitution and Bylaws shall be by Special Resolution.

8.3.   Notice of a proposal to adopt, amend or repeal the Constitution and Bylaws (which notice shall contain the particulars of the proposal) shall be filed with the Secretary and must be distributed by email to all members not less than 14 days before any general meeting at which the motion will be considered.


9.1.  In the Constitution and Bylaws, words importing the singular include the plural and vice versa.

9.2.   All questions affecting the interpretation of the provisions of the Constitution and Bylaws shall be determined by the Executive, and such decisions shall be final and binding.