The Standing Committees shall be as follows:
Terms of Reference
- The Executive may establish ad hoc committees from time to time, as necessary or by Ordinary Resolution.
- A position on a standing committee may be held for a maximum of two consecutive terms, unless there are no other members willing to sit.
- Standing committee membership is decided by a voting process at the Annual General Meeting of the CPMEA.
- The chair (or co-chairs) shall be elected by the members of each committee at their first meeting and shall be reported to the Executive no later than September.
- In the event of a tied vote within a standing committee, the chair (or co-chairs) shall have the deciding vote.
- The chair (or co-chairs) shall attend the regular meetings of the Executive and chairs (or co-chairs).
- The chair (or co-chairs) of each committee shall submit to the Vice-President, before the Annual General Meeting, a report of activities of the committee for the period ending May 31 each year, and from time to time at the request of the Executive. Committee reports shall be made available to the membership via the website.
- In the event of default of duties of any standing committee, the Executive may deliberate and assume the duties and responsibilities of the standing committee. In the event of default of duties of any standing committee member, the Executive has the power for interim appointments.