Lunch & Learn - Useful Tips to Boost Productivity Using Lotus Notes

April 14, 2015 @ 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
280N York Lanes
Programs Committee

Guest Speaker:

Shalom Zaidfeld, IPO

York University Alumnus Shalom Zaidfeld is a Records Manager with the Information and Privacy Office.  As a Certified Information Professional, he specialises in leading information management processes and technologies to enhance the existing information management practices at the University. He has worked with units spanning all Faculties to achieve such goals as organizing/managing paper files, shared drive organisation, and email management through the implementation of the University’s Common Records Schedule (CRS) to manage the University’s information assets effectively and efficiently.

Can you imagine having an empty email inbox? It almost sounds too good to be true! Although a completely empty inbox (also called "inbox zero") might seem overwhelming, maintaining a lean and clean inbox keeps us more organised and productive, ensures email records are handled appropriately, and eliminates email quota stress.

During this Lunch & Learn session, we will chew on useful Lotus Notes features and email management tips that will help increase our appetite for improving the efficiency and productivity of our email business skills.

Please register for the workshop. Light refreshments will be provided for registered participants.

Connect with us at or visit the CPMEA website.