CPMEA Annual Membership Breakfast

February 23, 2016 @ 8:30 AM – 11:00 AM
Founders Assembly Hall (FC 152)
York University
Keele Campus
Program Committee

Guest Speaker:

York University Professor Rebecca Bassett-Gunter, School of Kinesiology and Health Science

York University Professor Rebecca Bassett-Gunter, School of Kinesiology and Health Science

Join us for an interactive workshop entitled This Year I Will Keep My Resolution - and other lies from your brain that interfere with health, fitness and stress-free living.

Rebecca's research focuses on understanding the psychology of exercise. She seeks to understand why people exercise - or rather why most people don't exercise! In addition, she studies the psychological consequences of exercise such as reduced stress and anxiety. Rebecca is a mother (every day), exercise enthusiast (most days) and ice cream lover (most days!).

Connect with us at CPMEA@yorku.ca or visit the CPMEA website.