Each year, the CPMEA offers our membership the opportunity to connect and engage with fellow CPMs across our campuses to help enhance their professional networks, all while receiving the benefits of learning programming and skills development opportunities through several lunch & learn sessions, Membership Breakfast and Annual General Meeting.
Guest Speaker:
Maina Levin is an experienced Lean Sigma Black Belt having worked in process improvement and re-engineering in both the post-secondary and manufacturing sectors. She specializes in getting teams to see how work is done from the perspective of a client and helping them re-design processes. Achieving success through elimination of wasteful steps, finding new ways of delivering value, applying basic process improvement tools and understanding metrics are all part of what Maina brings to her work as Project Lead on the PRASE team.
Join Maina Levin, Lean Sigma Black Belt for a discussion on Lean methodology and its applications in the York context. You’ll participate in group activities to rediscover how to define value as it applies to clients, how it impacts your processes and what constitutes waste. Spend an hour with Maina to see how Lean philosophy and tools can help you manage your projects and create a new way of thinking about how work is done.
Please register for the workshop. Light refreshments will be provided for registered participants.
Connect with us at CPMEA@yorku.ca or visit the CPMEA website.
Guest Speaker:

Shalom Zaidfeld, IPO
York University Alumnus Shalom Zaidfeld is a Records Manager with the Information and Privacy Office. As a Certified Information Professional, he specialises in leading information management processes and technologies to enhance the existing information management practices at the University. He has worked with units spanning all Faculties to achieve such goals as organizing/managing paper files, shared drive organisation, and email management through the implementation of the University’s Common Records Schedule (CRS) to manage the University’s information assets effectively and efficiently.
Can you imagine having an empty email inbox? It almost sounds too good to be true! Although a completely empty inbox (also called "inbox zero") might seem overwhelming, maintaining a lean and clean inbox keeps us more organised and productive, ensures email records are handled appropriately, and eliminates email quota stress.
During this Lunch & Learn session, we will chew on useful Lotus Notes features and email management tips that will help increase our appetite for improving the efficiency and productivity of our email business skills.
Please register for the workshop. Light refreshments will be provided for registered participants.
Connect with us at CPMEA@yorku.ca or visit the CPMEA website.
9:00 a.m.
Registration and Refreshments
9:30 a.m.
> Opening Remarks and President's Year in Review (Jodi Tavares)
> Treasurer's Report (Kelly McCarthy)
> Constitution Amendments
9:45 a.m.
Membership Elections
10:00 a.m.
Guest Speaker: Dennis Hodgkinson "Managing Difficult Conversations"
10:50 a.m.
Keynote Speakers: Vice-Presidents Panel (Rhonda Lenton, VP Academic & Provost and Gary Brewer, VP Finance & Administration)
11:50 a.m.
Election Results
12:00 p.m.
Lunch - Helliwell Centre for Innovation in Dispute Resolution, 1014 Ignat Kaneff Building
Registration is now closed. Please connect with us at CPMEA@yorku.ca or visit the CPMEA website.
Dennis L. Hodgkinson, BCom, LLM (ADR), Cert. ADR
As a professional mediator and human resources management consultant, Dennis provides court-directed and private mediation services. He also assists major corporations to resolve complex business-to-business and employment-related disputes. Dennis coaches and assesses students in court-directed mediation sessions at his alma mater, Osgoode Hall Law School. Dennis teaches alternative dispute resolution, human resources management, and employment law as a part-time continuing education instructor with York University, Humber College, Seneca College, and George Brown College. He is author of the instructional texts Conflict Management in the Workplace: From Backyard to Boardroom and Your Guide to Successful Career Transition.
Guest Speaker:
Jennifer Sipos-Smith (HBA, MA, PhD studies in Education) Course Director, York University, is the founding director of the Glendon Writing Centre, teaches leadership and communication courses at York University, and recently gave a TEDtalk; “Why workplaces need 20-something leadership.” Jennifer works with emerging and established leaders in corporations on career and communications strategy.
Building a successful brand is critical to staying challenged and competitive in today's changing workplace. In this interactive session, participants will clarify their individual brand and learn to leverage key brand-building strategies including professional excellence, digital presence and career planning.
Registration is closed. Light refreshments will be provided for registered participants.
Connect with us at CPMEA@yorku.ca or visit the CPMEA website.
Guest Speaker:
Join us for an interactive workshop entitled This Year I Will Keep My Resolution - and other lies from your brain that interfere with health, fitness and stress-free living.
Rebecca's research focuses on understanding the psychology of exercise. She seeks to understand why people exercise - or rather why most people don't exercise! In addition, she studies the psychological consequences of exercise such as reduced stress and anxiety. Rebecca is a mother (every day), exercise enthusiast (most days) and ice cream lover (most days!).
Connect with us at CPMEA@yorku.ca or visit the CPMEA website.
Emotional Intelligence: Facilitating Positive Leadership Impact
Join your CPM colleagues for an interactive session on Emotional Intelligence.
Outcomes of the session include:
- Define and understand emotional intelligence and how it facilitates positive leadership impact
- How to develop emotional intelligence and improve work and personal relationships
- How to develop an action plan to communicate authentically, disagree constructively and use powerful questions
About the Guest Speaker
Solange is currently Executive Director, Government, Institutional and International Relations at Glendon College – York University. As such, she provides invaluable assistance to the Principal and York’s Senior Management in the ongoing strategy to make Glendon the ‘hub’ for Francophone and bilingual university study in Southern Ontario. Ms Belluz coordinates the implementation of la Politique d’aménagement linguistiqueof York-Glendon and was successfully in securing York University’s Partial Designation under Ontario’s French Language Services Actfor the Glendon campus. She also spearheads efforts to recruit Francophone international students and to develop additional partnerships with Francophone universities in Ontario, Canada and across the world. Finally, Ms Belluz works proactively to further strengthen Glendon’s relationship with Ontario’s Francophone community.
A Glendon alumna, Ms Belluz holds an M.A. from Glendon School of Translation. She also holds an MBA from York University’s Schulich School of Business, a M.Sc. in Management from the École de management EM-Lyon (France) and a Master of Divinity from Oral Roberts University, Tulsa, OK. Ms Belluz is a certified leadership coach under John C. Maxwell and a member of the International Coach Federation (ICF).
AGM 2016 - Agenda
8:30 Registration and Breakfast
9:00 Keynote Speakers – Vice-President Academic & Provost Rhonda Lenton and Vice President Finance & Administration Gary Brewer
9:50 President’s Report, Year in Review, CPMEA Business
10:15 Membership Elections
10:30 BREAK
10:45 Michelle Rothstein
11:45 Election Results
12:00 Lunch
About our Guest Speaker
Michelle Rothstein is a certified executive coach (ACC, CPCC) known for her exceptional work with both emerging and established leaders, high-performance professionals, entrepreneurs and creative talent. A powerful guide and trusted confidant, she is continually sought out for her “compassionate ass-kicking” approach – a proven recipe for inspiring clarity, levity and change in all her clients.
Top-tier decision makers and noted visionaries swear by Michelle’s partnership in making their most pivotal career moves, returning time and again for “her infectious energy” and “emotional intelligence.”
What's the "I" in VPRI: Imagination, Innovation & Intellectual Property
What is innovation, apart from an over used buzz word? York's mission begins with "the pursuit, preservation, and dissemination of knowledge" and ends with "York University makes innovation its tradition." But what does this mean in practice at York? This session will use real examples from York and our partners to illustrate that it isn't just about the research we do and the knowledge that we create but what we do with that knowledge and expertise to create positive social, economic and environmental impacts on our local and global communities. That's Innovation York (http://research.info.yorku.ca/innovation-york).
About the Guest Speaker
Dr. Phipps manages all research grants and agreements including knowledge and technology transfer for York University including York’s award winning Knowledge Mobilization Unit. In addition to other awards and recognition he received the 2015 Research Management Excellence Award and 2015 President’s Award for Innovation in Knowledge Mobilization. In 2015 he was named the Gordon and Jean Southam Fellow from the Association of Commonwealth Universities. He is also the KT Lead for NeuroDevNet and Network Director for ResearchImpact-RéseauImpactRecherche.
CPMEA All Committees Meeting
Please note - attendance is limited to CPMEA Executive, Standing Committee and CPM Committee representatives.
- Welcome
- Executive Goals 16/17
- Committee Goals 16/17
- Committee Representatives Goals 16/17
- All other business