CPMEA Development & Events

Each year, the CPMEA offers our membership the opportunity to connect and engage with fellow CPMs across our campuses to help enhance their professional networks, all while receiving the benefits of learning programming and skills development opportunities through several lunch & learn sessions, Membership Breakfast and Annual General Meeting.

Lunch & Learn: Inventive Problem Solving (SCAMPER) @ Kaneff Tower 519
Nov 4 @ 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM

Catalyze your inventive problem solving!

The smallest unit of innovation is the idea - the experiment to try. The common approach to generating ideas is brainstorming. Unfortunately, too many brainstorming sessions get dominated by early ideas and loud voices. Toward the end, brainstorming can feel like a chore with each idea you think of looking too much like earlier ones. To get past that feeling, catalyze your thinking using SCAMPER, a set of seven powerful, proven idea generators. Individuals and teams have been using SCAMPER to produce an abundance of ideas, both in quantity and variety, since the 1950s. It is easy to use, and just as importantly, easy to reuse in many settings, even when the pressure is on.

Speaker: Tim Hampton is the director of computing in AMPD. He holds a degree in mechanical engineering (Carleton) and is the author of the innovation blog: repeatablegenius.com.

CPM Annual Membership Breakfast 2020 @ Founders Assembly Hall
Jan 29 @ 9:00 AM – 10:30 AM

Join your colleagues for the eighth annual CPMEA Membership Breakfast!

We're inviting all CPM members to come out and enjoy a hot breakfast. This is a great opportunity to network with your peers and win some prizes!