Terms of Reference
The Committee shall be responsible for:
- Plan and organize professional development and networking events for the CPMEA membership; and
- Support the initiatives of other CPMEA committees as required.
Committee Composition
The committee is composed of 4 members for 2-year terms, alternating.
Program Committee elected members:
Sumentha D'Souza
School of Continuing Studies
Email: svivian@yorku.ca
Ext.: 58450
Melissa Romulus Lisanti
Office of the Principal, Glendon College
Email: mromuluslisanti@glendon.yorku.ca
Ext.: 88180
Tina Sposato
Vice-President Research & Innovation
Email: tsposato@yorku.ca
Ext.: 55479
Karen Warner
Scholarships & Bursaries, SFS
Email: kwarner@yorku.ca
Ext.: 33702