About Us

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The Confidential, Professional and Managerial Employees Association (CPMEA) is a volunteer-based association that represents over 950 employees of York University – this includes all CPMs working at both the University’s Keele and Glendon campuses, Innovation York, Osgoode Professional Development Centre and the YorkU TD Engagement Centre.

The purposes of the CPMEA are:

  1. To have a common voice for members on any subject of concern;
  2. To collectively promote the interests of the members;
  3. To foster and facilitate cooperative and productive employment relations with the University; and
  4. To promote communication between the University and members, between groups outside the university and members, and among members, in order to facilitate the free exchange of ideas for the common good.

Confidential, professional and managerial employees all have legally enforceable individual contracts of employment. The University consults with the CPMEA on policy decisions with respect to compensation, hiring policies, terms and conditions of employments, the working environment, and related matters affecting the membership.